Washington DC Influencer Marketing Services

It’s clear that marketing has changed over the years. If you think that standard methods of advertising like billboards and radio spots are no longer effective for your business, you’re probably right. More and more, customers are distrustful of traditional advertising and instead look to digital “influencers” to learn about products and services.

If you’re ready to embrace that change, you’ve come to the right place. Old City Interactive is an internet marketing company in Washington DC that helps businesses like yours attract and convert more customers with effective influencer marketing strategies.

What is influencer marketing?

person taking picture on phoneLet’s start by answering this question: what is an influencer? An influencer is someone in your industry that can affect the opinions of your customers. This might be a celebrity, an online personality such as an Instagram star, or a thought-leader in your industry.

Influencer marketing relies on the power of word-of-mouth to influence the purchasing behavior of consumers. By building relationships between influencers and brands, companies can gain loyal customers, establish a greater sense of brand authenticity, and can reap up to a 650% ROI.

Is influencer marketing right for your business?

Your business could benefit from influencer marketing if you want:

1. To gain consumer trust

Consumers have become desensitized to advertising content that is obviously sponsored by a brand. However, they trust the advice and recommendations of influencers. Companies can capitalize on this trend by contracting with influencers to harness the power of genuine, word-of-mouth marketing to reach customers and meet business goals.

2. To convert consumers faster

Influencer marketing can help instill confidence in customers and thus lead them to convert faster. Although SEO can be incredibly effective at converting website visitors into customers, influencer marketing can help businesses get leads twice as fast.

3. To grow sales, leads, and conversions

Each picture, video, or social media update that your influencer publishes represents an opportunity for your business to gain new leads and sales. These various publications can cement positive perceptions of your brand and products in the minds of your customers.

Due to the nature of influencer marketing, many of the leads driven will be higher-quality than those driven through other strategies. Sometimes, clients will even skip the traditional step of becoming a lead and simply convert right away on the basis of the influencer’s promotion.

4. To increase your ROI

Starting influencer marketing doesn’t require a huge investment, but it can reap great returns. In fact, businesses generally see an ROI of 650%. That payback clearly overshadows the return you could see through traditional marketing methods!


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5. To boost brand awareness

Brand awareness is an often-overlooked part of driving sales and leads. A customer’s familiarity with your brand can dictate whether or not they purchase your product.

Influencers can spread information about your brand without seeming too “salesy”. The persuasive power combined with the broad reach of influencers makes influencer marketing a great way to increase brand awareness.

6. To strengthen SEO

It’s a common practice for influencers to link to a business’ website when sharing opinions about products and services. Not only does this give their followers a direct path to the company’s website, but it also builds up the site’s backlink profile.

Backlinks are viewed as trust signals through the eyes of search engines like Google, so they have an impact on SEO. If your website is viewed as more trustworthy, you can rank higher for key terms related to your products and services.

7. To show brand integrity

Customers believe that influencers will share their authentic opinions about your brand – the good, the bad, and the ugly. When influencers vouch for your product or service, the trust that consumers have in the influencer is carried over to your brand. A simple vote of confidence from an influencer can instantly make you look authoritative in the eyes of your target audience.

8. To boost client retention

Although a lot has changed in business, one thing remains the same: it still costs much more to gain a new customer than it does to keep one. Many businesses have trouble with retaining customers, which is why influencer marketing can be so valuable. Companies who include influencer marketing as a part of their digital strategy can see their customer retention rate grow by as much as 40%. A higher retention rate translates into less cost for your company and fewer customers for your competitors to access!

Influencer smiling and showing her makeup routine

How much does Influencer marketing cost?

Costs for influencer marketing can vary depending on the popularity of the influencer and your specific business goals. At Old City Interactive we offer four types of plans to fit the needs of your business.


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Ready to start boosting profits with Old City Interactive?

Old City Interactive is a premier influencer marketing firm in the Washington DC area. As a full-service digital marketing company, we also provide services outside of influencer marketing including YouTube marketing, SEO, PPC, email marketing, and more.

If you want a team of experts that will work hard to make your campaign a success, contact us today to speak with a strategist.

We’re excited to work with you!